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Search Results for ‘drive safe’

Car Loan Tips and Comparisons

A car is one of the most important purchases people will make within their lifetimes. It is a means of transportation and provides a way to get to and from work, as well as a way to get the kids to and from school, trips to the grocery store, and much more. People looking for a new vehicle should be very cautious about choosing a car that will fit their own budget and personal lifestyle. For example, a family of four would most likely choose a minivan over a sports car, and someone in the construction industry might prefer a pickup truck over a sedan. Aside from the lifestyle factor, budget also plays a very important role. Be aware of how many miles per gallon the vehicle will get. A lot of people buy cars without realizing they are gas guzzlers, when they could’ve purchased a much more economic car […]

Glossary of Automotive Terminology

Adjustable Suspension: A system that is used to create variations in the firmness of the shock absorbers to provide a better ride. Air Suspension: A unit that is similar to a bellow that contains pressurized air and is mounted at each corner of a vehicle to provide a softer ride. Anti-Lock Brakes: Brakes that are controlled by computer so they will not lock and cause the wheels to skid. Automatic Transmission: A transmission that does not have to be shifted manually. Auxiliary Lighting: Extra lightening such as driving lights or fog lights that improve visibility under adverse conditions. Caliper: Part that houses disc brake pads on either side of the brake rotor, which is forced together when brakes are applied. Car Donation: a number of charities accept car, boat, RV, truck, and motorcycle donations that may result in a tax deduction for the donor. When you donate a car or […]

Donating Your Computer to Charity

Donating an old or unused computer is becoming a more common occurrence and there are a few considerations that should be made before doing so.Consider how old the computer in question is. If it is less than five years old, it can probably be made useful to someone in need. Any computer that is older than five years will more than likely be outdated and of no use to its recipient.Another aspect to consider is the personal data that is on the machine. Even if the hard drive is formatted, the information can still be obtained by an end user with some technical knowledge. The computer should be sent to a refurbisher to ensure that all of the data is completely wiped clean before you donate it. These companies and services use US Department of Defense grade cleaning software and techniques to ensure that information is not obtainable by the […]