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Car Loan Tips and Comparisons

A car is one of the most important purchases people will make within their lifetimes. It is a means of transportation and provides a way to get to and from work, as well as a way to get the kids to and from school, trips to the grocery store, and much more. People looking for a new vehicle should be very cautious about choosing a car that will fit their own budget and personal lifestyle. For example, a family of four would most likely choose a minivan over a sports car, and someone in the construction industry might prefer a pickup truck over a sedan. Aside from the lifestyle factor, budget also plays a very important role. Be aware of how many miles per gallon the vehicle will get. A lot of people buy cars without realizing they are gas guzzlers, when they could’ve purchased a much more economic car that would save them money over the long haul.

Once the vehicle’s make and model has been chosen, getting the car loan is the next step. Knowing how credit scores affect the rate of the loan and monthly payments is essential to making sure buyers get the best loan and the best deal. Certain banks will offer buyers with good credit a car loan, which can give them more buying power at the dealership. For buyers with lesser credit scores, the dealer often offers the car loan directly. Sometimes this means the buyer will get higher rates, but credit is usually extended nonetheless. It is extremely important to get the car loan from a reputable source, such as a bank or directly from the dealer. Instant credit lenders may have extremely high fees and rates, which could cause car buyers to be “upside down” on their car loan in no time. For people with higher credit scores, the rates are usually lower, thus the monthly payments are typically more affordable, or the loan can be paid off more quickly. You may also want to consider whether it is advantageous to trade in your used vehicle, or make a car donation. In some cases, it may be more beneficial to you to donate a car and take the maximum legal tax deduction than to trade it in on your new vehicle purchase. A few charities even offer partial cash payments for qualified car donations.

Obtaining a vehicle loan is an integral step in the car buying process, but test driving the car is just as important. A test drive really gives potential buyers the chance to get a real sense of how the car runs, feels when driven, and an opportunity to see all of its accessories and features first hand. By performing a thorough test drive, new buyers can determine which car will suit their needs best. It’s also very important to do some research on every make and model that you’re interested in. Look for safety features in addition to the other bells and whistles—such as automatic locks and windows, a GPS system, satellite radio, and other modern conveniences.