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Boating Safety

Boating on the local rivers and oceans can be a great pastime, hobby, or sport. Many people take whole vacations out on their boats, or set sail frequently to swim, fish, sunbathe, and have a good time. It is important to remember that there are boating laws and safety issues that still must be followed, even out on the water and not on land.

Boating Laws

Boaters must remember that there are laws that must still be followed even though they are out on a boat. Laws do vary from state to state, so it is important to do your research on the state you plan to do your boating in. For more information on boating laws, visit the following:

Safety Tips and Tricks

When driving a boat or being a passenger on one, it is essential to follow some safety tricks and tips to ensure the safety of everyone aboard. These include what to have on board, safety flotation devices and lifejackets, and more:

What to Keep on Board

When boating, whether it is just a day trip, few hours or three days, there are some things that should always be kept on board the boat. These include items such as flares, a GPS, hand held radio, lifejackets, emergency food and water, and much more. To learn more, visit the following:

  • Top 10 items to keep on a boat

Boating and Drinking

It is important to remember the dangers of drinking while on a boat, for both the driver and the passengers. Drinking alcohol on a boat increases the risk that a person may fall overboard and drown. Almost 80% of all boating fatalities are a result of drowning, and alcohol can severely hinder a person’s ability to swim and save themselves. For more information, go to:

  • Badd Boaters against Drunk Driving

Other Boating Resources