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Search Results for ‘why’

Tips for Choosing a Charity

People of all income levels choose to donate to a charity for many reasons. For some, this is a personal decision while for others; it is done for more practical purposes. Regardless of the reasons why one decides to donate, it is important to make a wise decision on which charity to support. This is a decision that may be more complicated than one might realize. One of the reasons for this is the sheer number of charitable organizations that are available to choose from. This article has been prepared by Action Donation Services®, a “for-profit” company who contracts with and provides property donation services (donated cars, boats, RVs, etc.) for over 300 of America’s best known charities. We hope this article will be helpful to anyone who is considering where to donate and/or where to volunteer their services.Charitable organizations are typically non-profit organizations that benefit the public interest. Examples […]

Contributing to Charity: A Fundraising Resource Guide

A fundraiser is an event held in order to raise funding and awareness about a particular cause. There are many groups that have fundraisers including: non-profit organizations, schools, high school teams, community groups, and students. Fundraisers are an excellent way for these groups to gather more community support, spread the word about their mission, and earn funding for their purpose. In order to hold a fundraiser there are many things to consider. It is important to know where to begin, how to market, and which type of fundraiser will be the most successful for a particular group.Getting StartedConstructing a fundraiser requires a lot of careful planning and can be an overwhelming process if you don’t know exactly where to begin. It is important that before any planning occurs, the organization must first examine its specific needs. This is the first step that needs to be taken when planning any sort […]

The Ultimate Guide to Boat Safety: What Every Seafarer Should Know

Boating is a very popular pastime which can be highly rewarding. However, there are also dangers associated with boating. In 2007, the United States Coast Guard (USCG) reported 688 deaths, 3,686 injuries, and 5,223 accidents due to recreational boating. Property damage was estimated to be more than $53 million. These are the reasons why it’s important to practice boating safety. Whether you are out at sea or at a lake, you have to develop the necessary skills to operate a boat properly. When you are in the boat, you have to know exactly what you are doing. In case of an emergency, you have to know how to react to the situation. In this article, we will look at boating laws, boating safety advice, the weather, and emergencies. This information is provided by Action Donation Services® If you have a no longer needed boat or yacht, consider donating your vessel […]

A Guide to Volunteering and Donating

Donating money, items, or volunteering your time at a non-profit or public agency benefits not only the targeted population but also yourself. Funding will help organizations provide their services, donated items can be used by less-fortunate individuals to establish a home for themselves, and volunteer hours can help groups continue to operate. Participating in charity organizations enables you to help less fortunate persons move towards living healthy, productive lives. In minutes or just a few short hours, you can make a difference in your community or the nation.Why Volunteer?: Provided by the Rhode Island Hospital System, this short article discusses the benefits of volunteering.Benefits of Volunteering: Written by Susan Ellis, this article discusses the reasons why volunteering benefits everyone. The page is provided by Charity Guide, a website that provides volunteering information and opportunities to users.Why Volunteer?: Hosted by the University of Missouri, St. Louis, this page discusses why students […]

Everything You Need to Know about Whales

Known to be royalty at sea, whales have certain qualities that make them truly unique creatures. Understanding them is a task that one must undertake in order to realize their significance in the world’s ecosystem.Not to be confused with fish, whales are actually mammals like humans and as a result, they are warm-blooded and they feed their young with milk from their mammary glands. For survival, whales inhale air through an opening at the top of their heads known as a blowhole. The location of the blowhole allows the whale to stay submerged while breathing. They release excess water and this forms a spout that can be used to determine the species of whale. Whales have thick bodies that are insulated by a layer of fat known as the blubber. Like other mammals and vertebrates, they have a spinal column and a heart consisting of four chambers. Their necks provide […]