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Search Results for ‘top ten’

Car, Boat, or RV…A Crash Is a Crash!

There are many car, boat, and RV crashes throughout the United States each and every year. Some of these crashes could have been prevented. Following the proper precautions for the type of vehicle that you’re in is essential to keeping safe and staying out of crashes. Knowing what to do during crashes is also essential to keeping safe while waiting for emergency vehicles and other help to arrive. You want to make sure you survive crashes, but you should also ensure that you take all of the necessary precautions to keep yourself out of harm when it comes to getting into an accident in the first place. You cannot control the actions of others while in the water or on the road, but you can control how you react while on the road. The following information is provided by Action Donation Services®, a company dedicated to car, boat, and RV safety—Action […]

Motorcycle Sports

Motorcycle racing is a widely varied sport involving all sorts of different tracks. Motorcycles race on dirt as well as pavement, and sometimes despite the fact it’s illegal they race on public highways, back roads and even interstates. Motorcycle races vary in length. Some involve laps and hundreds of kilometers while others are measured in feet. The very short races are called drag races. Drag bikes are equipped and adjusted very differently than bikes designed for other races, because the purpose is to traverse a very short distance as quickly as possible. Thus extremely rapid acceleration is the name of the game, and top speed and racing strategy are much less important.Both pavement and dirt track races sometimes include obstacles like jump ramps cones and barrels. Barrel racing is considered a motorcycle rodeo game, but it’s really just a race where the object is to turn the bike closely around […]

The Ultimate Guide to Boat Safety: What Every Seafarer Should Know

Boating is a very popular pastime which can be highly rewarding. However, there are also dangers associated with boating. In 2007, the United States Coast Guard (USCG) reported 688 deaths, 3,686 injuries, and 5,223 accidents due to recreational boating. Property damage was estimated to be more than $53 million. These are the reasons why it’s important to practice boating safety. Whether you are out at sea or at a lake, you have to develop the necessary skills to operate a boat properly. When you are in the boat, you have to know exactly what you are doing. In case of an emergency, you have to know how to react to the situation. In this article, we will look at boating laws, boating safety advice, the weather, and emergencies. This information is provided by Action Donation Services® If you have a no longer needed boat or yacht, consider donating your vessel […]

A Guide to Volunteering and Donating

Donating money, items, or volunteering your time at a non-profit or public agency benefits not only the targeted population but also yourself. Funding will help organizations provide their services, donated items can be used by less-fortunate individuals to establish a home for themselves, and volunteer hours can help groups continue to operate. Participating in charity organizations enables you to help less fortunate persons move towards living healthy, productive lives. In minutes or just a few short hours, you can make a difference in your community or the nation.Why Volunteer?: Provided by the Rhode Island Hospital System, this short article discusses the benefits of volunteering.Benefits of Volunteering: Written by Susan Ellis, this article discusses the reasons why volunteering benefits everyone. The page is provided by Charity Guide, a website that provides volunteering information and opportunities to users.Why Volunteer?: Hosted by the University of Missouri, St. Louis, this page discusses why students […]

The Ultimate Guide to Car Cosmetics

Keeping a car looking as good as new or even better requires a lot of hard work, a passion for automobiles and a desire to give your much-loved set of wheels the best there is. Car cleaning, paint jobs, interiors and upholstery as well as accessorizing are all part of ensuring that the car looks great always. Here are resources to help ensure that your car gets the very best there is in order to look clean and stylish, both on the inside and outside. This article is provided to the public as a service by Action Donation Services. Action handles car, boat, and RV donations for some of America’s finest charities. Everything that can reasonably be done to maximize the value of the donation so it will bring more income to the charity is done. Whether you are donating your property or simply want to keep your car in […]