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More Maritime Resources

“Maritime” is a broad term that refers to various things that are related to the sea, including seafaring, ocean harvesting, shipbuilding, shipping, sailing, and other activities that take place at the sea. According to evidence found in Australia, the earliest known maritime voyages may have taken place about 45,000 years ago, but human beings have been harvesting from the sea since time immemorial. Throughout the years, maritime technology has improved by leaps and bounds, and this has enabled humans to make the most of the oceans, for commercial, cultural, recreational, as well as military purposes.Merriam-Webster: Definition of the word “maritime”Wikipedia – Maritime History: Detailed information about maritime historyBBC History: Detailed information about the history of marine navigationWikipedia – Sailing: Comprehensive information on Official website of the International Sailing World’s largest online sailing community, with discussions about sailing, boats, purchase and sale of boats, donate a boat, boat maintenance, […]