Guide to International Fisheries Law
International fisheries laws differ from country to country. Some laws are stricter than others, while others lack the strength of protecting the waters to its potential. International fisheries can be plagued with corruption and port state issues. Many organizations come together to build better laws to protect those that live in the water and those who are surrounded by waters.Bycatch/DiscardsBycatch and Discard Impact: Impact of fish mortality on a global scale.United Nations Fish Stocks Agreement: International bycatch law for signatory states.CertificationEuropean Community: Fishing catch certification requirements for Europe.International Convention for the Safety of Fishing Vessels: Vessel and port control certificate information.Supply Chain ManagementSeafood Supply Chain Management: The World Conservation Union works on developing a system to avert illegal product in the marketplace.International Supply Chain Security: A strategic plan to improve international supply management.Corruption/MismanagementPacific Island Corruption: The PROFISH Law Enforcement investigates lack of government stability in the corruption in Pacific Islands […]