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Guide to International Fisheries Law

International fisheries laws differ from country to country. Some laws are stricter than others, while others lack the strength of protecting the waters to its potential. International fisheries can be plagued with corruption and port state issues. Many organizations come together to build better laws to protect those that live in the water and those who are surrounded by waters.Bycatch/DiscardsBycatch and Discard Impact: Impact of fish mortality on a global scale.United Nations Fish Stocks Agreement: International bycatch law for signatory states.CertificationEuropean Community: Fishing catch certification requirements for Europe.International Convention for the Safety of Fishing Vessels: Vessel and port control certificate information.Supply Chain ManagementSeafood Supply Chain Management: The World Conservation Union works on developing a system to avert illegal product in the marketplace.International Supply Chain Security: A strategic plan to improve international supply management.Corruption/MismanagementPacific Island Corruption: The PROFISH Law Enforcement investigates lack of government stability in the corruption in Pacific Islands […]

The Quintessential Maritime Glossary

Maritime is a word that refers to all things of the sea. Today, maritime activities bring the world to our doorstep. Maritime activities transport people, food, and nearly every commodity of modern living throughout the world and acts as an agent by which to spread influences throughout many world powers and nations. Maritime commerce brings automobiles from one side of the world to the other and it brings the fuel to power those vehicles, too. Thanks in part to maritime transportation, food is never out of season. Medicines, clothes, toys, games, furniture, appliances, building / construction materials, and almost everything in the typical American home is a result of maritime commerce, being that the majority of our products are shipped in from all over the world. While we enjoy these things, we often take for granted the tremendous degree of navigational expertise it took to get them to us. This […]

The Definitive Automotive Dictionary

The Definitive Automotive Dictionary provided by Action Auto and Boat Donation Services:Amorphous silicon – Used in a variety of electronics. A non-crystalline form of silicon that can be laid in thin layers of film to produce photovoltaic cells, it can be used on plastic substrates and metal.Ampere-hour – A measurement of a unit of electrical charge of current, over a specific period of time, usually used to find the strength of a battery.Amp/hr. rating – The measuring of current to determine the ability of a battery. The higher the amp, the stronger the batteryAmplifier – Used in auto radio systems, to produce a greater electrical signal, by increasing the electron flow in a vacuum or electric circuit.Air Management Unit (AMU) – Located in a chassis cross-member and using the multiplex electrical system, it is pressure switches put together in such a way as to control the pneumatic accessory functions of a […]

A Windfall of Sailing Links

The exciting sport of sailing dates back thousands and thousands of years. Throughout history, sailboats have been used for industrial, commercial, and recreational purposes, and have undergone many structural changes. Whether for business or pleasure, sailing is a thrilling adventure that anyone can enjoy. These links are brought to you by Action Donation Services® who processes the boat and yacht donations for some of America’s finest charities:Sailing Groups and OrganizationsInternational Sailing Federation: International group that governs the bylaws of the sailing world.US Sailing: National organization that instructs and enables sailors to enjoy their passion.Sail America: Group that supports the sailing and sailing product industry.Inland Lake Yachting Association: Organization for those interested in yachting and sailing on lakes.American Sailing Association: The leading group on sailing schools and instruction.American Boat and Yacht Council: The regulation-making body for the boating industry.Recreational SailingSailing Magazine: Leading source of current sailing news and reviews.Sailnet: Large community […]

Your Ultimate Guide to Sailing Terminology

The exhilarating experience of sailing carries with it its own collection of terminology. Whether a person is a beginner, or a seasoned sailor, it is important to acquire a vocabulary of sailing terms. Learning sailing maneuvers and the different parts of a boat are just two of the ways that a person prepares for sailing. An individual who is comfortable with sailing terminology is likely to have more confidence when it comes to safely guiding a boat and can easily convey correct information to others in the event on an emergency. This collection of sailing terminology is provided by Action Boat and Yacht Donation services.Abeam– The area at a right angle beside a boat aligned with the center of the boat.Aboard– When something or someone is on or in a boat.Above Deck– When someone is on deck and not in a cabin underneath.Aft– Refers to the back area of a […]