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Contributing to Charity: A Fundraising Resource Guide

A fundraiser is an event held in order to raise funding and awareness about a particular cause. There are many groups that have fundraisers including: non-profit organizations, schools, high school teams, community groups, and students. Fundraisers are an excellent way for these groups to gather more community support, spread the word about their mission, and earn funding for their purpose. In order to hold a fundraiser there are many things to consider. It is important to know where to begin, how to market, and which type of fundraiser will be the most successful for a particular group.Getting StartedConstructing a fundraiser requires a lot of careful planning and can be an overwhelming process if you don’t know exactly where to begin. It is important that before any planning occurs, the organization must first examine its specific needs. This is the first step that needs to be taken when planning any sort […]

The Ultimate Guide to Car Cosmetics

Keeping a car looking as good as new or even better requires a lot of hard work, a passion for automobiles and a desire to give your much-loved set of wheels the best there is. Car cleaning, paint jobs, interiors and upholstery as well as accessorizing are all part of ensuring that the car looks great always. Here are resources to help ensure that your car gets the very best there is in order to look clean and stylish, both on the inside and outside. This article is provided to the public as a service by Action Donation Services. Action handles car, boat, and RV donations for some of America’s finest charities. Everything that can reasonably be done to maximize the value of the donation so it will bring more income to the charity is done. Whether you are donating your property or simply want to keep your car in […]

The Quintessential Maritime Glossary

Maritime is a word that refers to all things of the sea. Today, maritime activities bring the world to our doorstep. Maritime activities transport people, food, and nearly every commodity of modern living throughout the world and acts as an agent by which to spread influences throughout many world powers and nations. Maritime commerce brings automobiles from one side of the world to the other and it brings the fuel to power those vehicles, too. Thanks in part to maritime transportation, food is never out of season. Medicines, clothes, toys, games, furniture, appliances, building / construction materials, and almost everything in the typical American home is a result of maritime commerce, being that the majority of our products are shipped in from all over the world. While we enjoy these things, we often take for granted the tremendous degree of navigational expertise it took to get them to us. This […]

Maritime History Resources

Text: Maritime history is an interesting subject that many people ignore every day. These people are usually unaware of the fact that colleges around the world offer programs and coursework on this very topic, and that maritime programs often make boat donations and participate in community events as well. Students interested in the marine industry study everything from specific types of ships to nautical archaeology, which focuses on the artifacts left behind. The following resources provide a better understanding of the topic. Researching Ships Ship and Passenger Lists: gives steps on searching for specific vessels and passengers on those vessels. Researching Ships and Seafarers: discusses how someone would research a specific ship based on name. Ships & Passenger Lists: offers resources on researching ships. Have Ship, Need Information: provides ways for people to research ships from World War II. Maritime Information Exchange: U.S. Coast Guard database of ships. Libraries and […]

Boating Safety

Boating on the local rivers and oceans can be a great pastime, hobby, or sport. Many people take whole vacations out on their boats, or set sail frequently to swim, fish, sunbathe, and have a good time. It is important to remember that there are boating laws and safety issues that still must be followed, even out on the water and not on land.Boating LawsBoaters must remember that there are laws that must still be followed even though they are out on a boat. Laws do vary from state to state, so it is important to do your research on the state you plan to do your boating in. For more information on boating laws, visit the following:Boating Laws Laws and safetySafety Tips and TricksWhen driving a boat or being a passenger on one, it is essential to follow some safety tricks and tips to ensure the safety of everyone […]